Pakistan, the host of millions of Afghan refugees since the Soviet invasion, now seeks their speedy repatriation. The process has already started and it is one of the largest repatriation programs in the UNHCR’s history. However, around 3 million Afghans still reside in Pakistan. This paper provides an overview of the underlying problems and multifaceted stumbling blocks being faced in the process and shed light on the future scenario and this research also examines what policy readjustments are required on part of Pakistan to make repatriation a success while keeping in views that successful repatriation not only means the return of refugees but ensuring that they enter the mainstream of life-economically, politically, socially in their home country. For obtaining the Qualitative information a survey has been conducted of every refuges camp in District Dir Lower, KPK, and Pakistan. The data has been collected from 250 respondents through a structured Questionnaire while using simple random sample technique and further, the data has been proceeding through SPSS version 20, further classified, thoroughly analyzed and has been presented in the form of tables, frequency, percentages, and discussion over tables with the help of secondary information and a qualitative discussion has been made over the field data. The study found several issues that were faced by Afghan refugees living in different camps and villages of District Dir, KPK, Pakistan, and their fear regarding repatriation. The common issues they faced in Pakistan were income/livelihood related, lack of proper shelter, and poor water supply facilities. The current research has revealed that if the government of Pakistan and the UNHCR want voluntary repatriation to succeed the conditions relating to security needed improvement, the availability of jobs in the receiving areas needed to expand, and adequate facilities needed to be available in the education and the health fields.

afghan refugees, migration, Pakistan

Anahtar Kelimeler

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